Jonathan Goldberg KC writes:
Although I learned my trade of trial advocacy in the Magistrates and Crown Courts up and down the country, I was fortunate enough to do Pupillage for a full year with a fine civil lawyer on the Northern Circuit, the late George Spafford, with the consequence that civil cases of most kinds have never held any fears for me.
I have always kept a civil string to my bow, with the result that I practise in an unusually wide variety of courts and cases, as can be seen from my "Notable Cases" page.
I believe that there is no more successful trial combination for a client than a generalist Silk who understands instinctively the psychology of the courtroom, and how to handle and cross-examine a witness from years of practice, leading a specialist junior.
I have proved this to be true many times in my career.
However this insight is not unique.
Many great advocates (such as the legendary George Carman QC, whom I knew well, and who led me) had exactly the same pedigree.
There is no such thing as "civil advocacy", or "criminal advocacy".
There is only one "advocacy", and it is a special talent requiring constant honing.
Some barristers have it, but many (surprisingly) do not.
The final ingredient which I offer is this, and it is priceless; the judgement and the instinct which come only with years of experience.