Noteworthy Cases

R v B. 2022 to present day. Defending prominent property developer at his trial and retrial, charged with renting warehouse spaces to an organised crime group of cannabis farmers.

May 2021 Acquittal of Peter Metcalf at Manchester Crown Court, solicitor to the South Yorkshire Police following the Hillsborough disaster of 1989. He was tried after 32 years on charges of perverting the course of justice.

January 2021 R v X successful appeal against a murder conviction in the Court of Appeal (Criminal Division). Unusually Mr Goldberg was appearing by Zoom from America where he was locked down due to the covid emergency.

April 2019, defending one property multi-millionaire who gave another property multi-millionaire one light slap across the face in an exclusive Mayfair club. Read more here.

February 2019 appearing for Dr Asef Zafar in the Court of Appeal (Civil Division) on an application by the Liverpool Victoria Insurance Company to commit him immediately to prison for contempt of court. Unusually this hearing was televised and can be viewed at the following linkMr Goldberg QC's presentation appears at Part Two thereof. The court's judgment can be read here. It is now the leading case on sentencing in contempt of court cases. Mr Goldberg's client the doctor was spared prison.

June 2018 Acquittals of the Baldwin family at Luton Crown Court. The father, husband and wife proprietors of a respectable family motor garage business in Leighton Buzzard were charged with the attempted murder of 2 plainclothes police officers, following an incident late at night in which they attempted to make a citizen's arrest, mistakenly believing them to be the travellers who had just burgled their business premises, and fired 3 blasts of a shot gun at them. 
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July 2017 - May 2021 defending Peter Metcalf, the solicitor who denies perverting justice and a cover-up by police arising out of the Hillsborough Stadium disaster of 1989. These massive papers required almost four years' preparation before trial, together with my juniors Timothy Kendal and Senghin Kong.
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An ongoing client is the worldwide church of Christ Embassy, (Read More) headed by the charismatic Pastor Chris. Mr Goldberg advises the Church frequently as general counsel.

Former Royal Marine Sergeant Alexander Blackman (better known to the British public as "Marine A") (See Marine A), spectacularly won his appeal  against conviction after the long nationwide "Campaign for Justice for Marine A" led by the famous author Frederick Forsyth, and a hundred page report being written by Mr Goldberg QC and his two juniors to the Criminal Cases Review Commission, criticising the conduct of the original court martial by the defence, prosecution and judge alike. This caused the CCRC to refer the case back to the appeal court, who eventually quashed the conviction for murder and substituted the lesser offence of manslaughter in March 2017. See the several different links below.
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Prof Greenberg Psychiatric Report

R v David Buchler 2016, Acquittal of the former Spurs and English National Opera Vice-Chairman for allegedly assaulting another customer in Harrods Food Hall in a row over bread.
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R v Jeremy Bernstein 2014, Acquittal of ultra-orthodox Jewish leader accused of historic sex abuse.
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R v Holden 2013, Acquittal of large scale cannabis importation allegation against a wealthy haulier of hitherto good character

R v E 2013, Acquittal of child sex abuse case which was enormously controversial in the UK Orthodox Jewish community.

R v X 2013, Acquittal of a leading Manchester solicitor and his 2 sons on wounding charges.

R v Baruch, 2012, Acquittal of Austrian industrialist against 2 cases of causing death by dangerous driving.

R v "MH" 2012, Important Court of Appeal precedent on the admissibility of complaint evidence by infant witnesses in child abuse cases.

R v "AJ" 2012, Acquittal of this leading merchant banker and solicitor accused of punching an elderly driver in a "road rage" incident

R v Katherine Goldberg 2011, Successfully acted for the female schoolteacher who sexually assaulted the male flight steward when drunk on a Virgin plane from South Africa.
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R v Marrache 2011/2012, Acted for the senior partner of the once leading Gibraltar law firm, who denied fraud charges in a major prosecution there. The case also had numerous civil spinoffs in bankruptcy etc.
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R v Sanford 2011, Acquittal of Chartered Accountant accused of causing death of a cyclist by dangerous driving.

R v Tyers 2011, Acquittal of main defendant in this major conspiracy to pervert justice case, in which 5 defendants were alleged to have concocted a defence for another man at a previous trial for kidnap.

R v Harvey 2010, Husband who killed his wife by throwing the TV remote control at her in an argument.
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R v John Henry Sayers 2010, Acquittal of notorious Newcastle “gangster chief” against charges of “jury nobbling” at his original murder trial in 2002- see above.
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Chamsi-Pasha v Udin 2010/2011, successfully acted for distinguished Arab family in the Employment and Employment Appeal Tribunal against the housemaid who alleged she had drunk toilet cleaner in a suicide bid, after longstanding abuse by the wife. They said she was a gold-digger. She was discredited after long cross-examination by Mr. Goldberg.
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Baby Amitai 2009. Defended the Rabbi who conducted the circumcision at which baby Amitai died. Coroner concluded after a long Inquest that death was due to wholly unrelated natural causes.

R v Trafalgar Leisure, 2009, acted for this leading leisure company in the North-East, accused of dumping waste. Acquitted on appeal, now a leading authority in its field.
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R v Rabbi Baruch Chalomish 2009, Acquittal of the “cocaine-dealing Rabbi.” Massive press publicity followed.
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Donegan v Castlemart 2008, High Court commercial dispute.

R v Rabbi Friesel, major extradition fight to America
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R v Rodriguez 2008, murder trial in Cayman Islands.

Weitzenhoffer Theatres v Fireman 2007, major civil trial in High Court (Commercial Court).

DPP v Goldsobel 2007, fraud case in the Dublin Circuit Court.
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Haller v Deutsche Bank 2006, major commercial mediation acting for former director of the bank. (Damages quantum is the subject of a secrecy clause). 

Anna Diedrichs-Shurland, 2006, won appeal from the Bahamas in Privy Council- a complex civil dispute between former business partners.

Police v Charman and Redgrave 2006. Prosecuting for Metropolitan Police Commissioner in complex internal disciplinary proceedings against 2 corrupt detectives who were dismissed from the Force.
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Eleonora Suhoviy 2006, Asylum and Immigration Appeals Tribunal. Acting successfully for young Ukrainian Oxford graduate against a Home Office Deportation Order, which was quashed, allowing her to remain and work in the UK. “The Times Lawyer of The Week” followed.
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Kohn v Lakshmi Mittal, 2006, High Court, acting for estate agent who sued the steel billionaire for her fees.
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Kwame Wiredu Inquest, 2005. Acting for Metropolitan Police Commissioner against allegations of police brutality arising from a death in custody at Stoke Newington Police Station. Jury`s verdict of death by natural causes vindicated Police.
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HM Customs v Viewtopia, 2005. Successful appeal against the seizure and forfeiture by Customs of a massive quantity of “Girlie” magazines from South Africa.

R v Goldstein and Rimmington, House of Lords 2005. Landmark decision redefining and restricting the ancient common law offence of Public Nuisance.
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R v Railtrack, Balfour Beatty and others 2005, Acquittal of Balfour’s Civil Engineer in the long corporate manslaughter trial at the Old Bailey arising from the Hatfield Railway Disaster in which 4 passengers were killed and many dozens injured.
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R v Benny Lehman 2004, Acquittal of Israeli settler who entered Heathrow having forgotten he had a loaded Glock pistol in his rucksack.

R v Robinson 2004 “Cause Celebre” murder of a visiting tourist. Trial in Bermuda.

Steven Berkoff. Successfully defended  the noted actor and playwright in the Queen's Bench Division before Eady J. against allegations of rape, psychiatric injury and defamation by an alleged woman victim seeking civil damages.
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R v “John” and “Mark” (names concealed by Order of the Court), 2004. Much publicised case of the two boys who met in an internet chat room, the younger boy posing as an MI5 agent incited the older boy to murder him in a bizarre suicide bid. Many TV documentaries and press articles followed worldwide.
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R v Dudley and Maynard 2004 (The “Torso Murders”) Won on appeal - 25 year old Miscarriage of Justice case, in which 2 men served 25 year prison sentences for 2 murders they had not committed based on false police testimony.
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R v Hanief Essa 2003, Acquittal of a Murder of a Manchester drugs baron.

R v John Henry Sayers 2002, Acquittal of notorious Newcastle gangland chieftain accused of murdering his insubordinate lieutenant.
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R v Siggs 2001, Acquittal of Detective Chief Inspector accused of complicity in shooting dead an unarmed man.
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R v John Holmes 2000, “cause celebre” of Cheshire Millionaire accused of Conspiracy to Murder.
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The Jamie Robe Murder 1999, which later inspired a TV documentary.
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R v Haghikat-Khou 1998, said to be largest ever heroin importation and money laundering case hitherto in UK.

R v Singh Sehmi 1997, said to be largest ever ecstasy factory in UK.

R v Charlie Kray 1997, the last of the notorious Kray brothers - large scale Cocaine supply.
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The Acid Bath Murder without a body 1996, ( R v Causley)
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The Lynn Siddons Murder 1996, (R v Brookes)
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The Howes Gold Bullion Trial 1995, Acquittal of main defendant who was a large London gold dealer of major Vat fraud.

The Marshall Murder 1994, (R v Aziz)

The Levitt Group Commercial Fraud 1993, Successful defence of main defendant Roger Levitt, who controversially escaped with a mere Community Service order for a company fraud of over £34M.
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The Stamford Hill Orthodox Jewish Child Abuse Trial 1992, Acquittal of community leader Rosenthal.

The Chinese Triad Protection Racket 1992, Acquittal of alleged Triad gangster Tan.

The Brinks-Mat Gold Bullion Robbery/Money Laundering Trials 1989 and 1992, (R v Perry)
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The Sonic Binoculars Drugs and Horse-Nobbling Trial 1991, (R v Laming)
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The Arab Nightclubs Protection Racket 1988, Acquittal of alleged racketeer Morad.

The Minehead Fraud 1987, (R v Singh)

The Knights of Malta Fraud 1985, Acquittal of Baron de Saia.

The Crockfords Casino Fraud 1982, Acquittal of Pari Navidi.

The St Albans Solicitors Conspiracy to Pervert Justice 1980, Acquittal of well-known solicitor Benjamin Yahuda.

The Hungarian Circle Banking Fraud 1978 (R v Oberlander)

The Torso Murders 1976 (R v Dudley and Maynard). Finally won by Mr. Goldberg on Appeal in 2004, 23 years after conviction for murder, after fresh evidence was unearthed following a CCRC reference.

The Soho Vice Syndicate 1975 (R v Silver and 6 others)
